ConfigurationsStandardAutomatic Braking, Proportional Control, Emergency Descent, Emergency Stop, Extension Platform, Folding Guardrails, Motion Alarm, Hour Meter, Platform Self-lock Door, Self-diagnosis, Flashing Beacons, Tilt Sensor, Safety Arm, Outriggers, HornOptional Working Lamp on the Platform, Load Sensing System, AC Power to the Platform, Air Pipe to the PlatformMODELHS1623RTMax.Working Height17.95mA-Max.
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Configurations--------------Automatic Braking SystemEmergency StopFlashing BeaconsProportional ControlEmergency Decent SystemFolding GuardrailsSafety access support barHour meterMotion AlarmCharging Protection SystemHornOptional-------------Load Sensing SystemAC Power to the PlatformMODELHS2025ERTMax.Working Height22mA-Max.
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ConfigurationsStandardAutomatic Braking, Proportional Control, Emergency Descent, Hour Meter, Motion Alarm, Emergency Stop, Extension Platform, Folding Guardrails, Self-diagnosis, Charging Protection, Flashing Beacons, Tilt Sensor, Safety Arm, Platform Self-lock Door, HornOptional Working Lamp on the Platform, Load Sensing System, AC Power to the Platform, Air Pipe to the Platform, OutriggersMODELHS1218ERTMax.Working Height14mA-Max.
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ConfigurationsStandardFolding Guardrails, Emergency Stop, Hour Meter, Flashing Beacon, Self-diagnosis, Extension Platform, Safety Arm, Charging Protection, Proportional Control, Platform Self-lock Door, Pothole Protector , Automatic Braking System, Motion Alarm, Emergency Descent, Full Height Drive, Tilt Sensor, Forklift Hole, Horn OptionalLoad Sensing System, AC Power to the Platform, Air Pipe to the Platform MODELHS1012HMax. Working Height(In/out)11.8m/11.8mA-Max.
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ConfigurationsStandardFolding Guardrails, Emergency Stop, Hour Meter, Flashing Beacon, Self-diagnosis, Extension Platform, Safety Arm, Charging Protection, Proportional Control, Platform Self-lock Door, Pothole Protector , Automatic Braking System, Motion Alarm, Emergency Descent, Full Height Drive, Tilt Sensor, Forklift Hole, Horn OptionalLoad Sensing System, AC Power to the Platform, Air Pipe to the Platform MODELHS0808HMax. Working Height(In/out)9.9m/8mA-Max.
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ConfigurationsStandardFolding Guardrails, Emergency Stop, Hour Meter, Flashing Beacon, Self-diagnosis, Extension Platform, Safety Arm, Charging Protection, Proportional Control, Platform Self-lock Door, Pothole Protector , Automatic Braking System, Motion Alarm, Emergency Descent, Full Height Drive, Tilt Sensor, Forklift Hole, Horn OptionalLoad Sensing System, AC Power to the Platform, Air Pipe to the Platform MODELHS1212HMax. Working Height(In/out)13.8m/9.5mA-Max.
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ConfigurationsStandardFolding Guardrails, Emergency Stop, Hour Meter, Flashing Beacon, Self-diagnosis, Extension Platform, Safety Arm, Charging Protection, Proportional Control, Platform Self-lock Door, Pothole Protector , Automatic Braking System, Motion Alarm, Emergency Descent, Full Height Drive, Tilt Sensor, Forklift Hole, Horn OptionalLoad Sensing System, AC Power to the Platform, Air Pipe to the Platform MODELHS0607HMax. Working Height(In/out)7.8m/7mA-Max.
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ConfigurationsStandardFolding Guardrails, Emergency Stop, Hour Meter, Flashing Beacon, Self-diagnosis, Extension Platform, Safety Arm, Charging Protection, Proportional Control, Platform Self-lock Door, Pothole Protector , Automatic Braking System, Motion Alarm, Emergency Descent, Full Height Drive, Tilt Sensor, Forklift Hole, Horn OptionalLoad Sensing System, AC Power to the Platform, Air Pipe to the Platform MODELHS1413HMax. Working Height(In/out)15.7m/10mA-Max.
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Configurations StandardFolding GuardrailsPlatform Self-lock DoorSafety ArmEmergency StopCharging ProtectionEmergency DescentHour MeterPothole ProtectorProportional ControlFlashing BeaconAutomatic Braking SystemTilt SensorSelf-diagnosisForklift HoleFull Height DriveExtension PlatformMotion AlarmHornOptionalLoad Sensing SystemAC Power to the PlatformAir Pipe to the PlatformMODELHS0507HMax. Working Height(In/out)6.5m/0mA-Max.
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ConfigurationsStandardAutomatic Braking, Extension Platform, Floding Guardrails, Charging Protection, Emergency Stop Tilt Sensor, Safety Arm, Self-diagnosis, Platform Self-lock Door, Flashing Beacons, Emergency Descent, Hour Meter, Motion Alarm, Horn OptionalWorking Lamp on the Platform, Load Sensing System, AC Power to the Platform, Air Pipe to the Platform MODELHC1216E-RA-Max. Platform Height(In/out)11.8m/11.8mMax.
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ConfigurationsStandardAutomatic Braking, Extension Platform, Floding Guardrails, Charging Protection, Emergency Stop Tilt Sensor, Safety Arm, Self-diagnosis, Platform Self-lock Door, Flashing Beacons, Emergency Descent, Hour Meter, Motion Alarm, Horn OptionalWorking Lamp on the Platform, Load Sensing System, AC Power to the Platform, Air Pipe to the Platform MODELHC0507EA-Max. Platform Height(In/out)4.5m/0mMax.
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FEATURES StandardAutomatic Braking SystemOne-Way Extension PlatformFolding Guardrailsplatform self-lock doorCharging Protection SystemProportional ControlEmergency Decent SystemMotion AlarmEmergency StopTilt Protection SystemSafety access support barFault Diagnosis SystemForklift HoleFlashing BeaconsHour meterHornLoad Sensing SystemOptionalAC Power to the PlatformAir Pipe to the PlatformMODELHC1018EAA-Max.
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ConfigurationsStandardAutomatic Braking, Extension Platform, Floding Guardrails, Charging Protection, Emergency Stop Tilt Sensor, Safety Arm, Self-diagnosis, Platform Self-lock Door, Flashing Beacons, Emergency Descent, Hour Meter, Motion Alarm, Horn OptionalWorking Lamp on the Platform, Load Sensing System, AC Power to the Platform, Air Pipe to the Platform MODELHC1416E-RA-Max. Platform Height(In/out)13.8m/13.8mMax.
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FEATURES StandardAutomatic Braking SystemOne-Way Extension PlatformFolding Guardrailsplatform self-lock doorCharging Protection SystemProportional ControlEmergency Decent SystemMotion AlarmEmergency StopTilt Protection SystemSafety access support barFault Diagnosis SystemForklift HoleFlashing BeaconsHour meterHornLoad Sensing SystemOptionalAC Power to the PlatformAir Pipe to the PlatformMODELHC0607EAA-Max.
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ConfigurationsStandardFolding Guardrails, Emergency Stop, Hour Meter, Flashing Beacon, Self-diagnosis, Extension Platform, Safety Arm, Charging Protection, Proportional Control, Platform Self-lock Door, Pothole Protector, Automatic Braking System, Motion Alarm, Emergency Descent, Full Height Drive, Tilt Sensor, Forklift Hole, HornOptionalLoad Sensing System, AC Power to the Platform, Air Pipe to the PlatformMODELHS1212EMax. Working Height(In/out)13.8m/9.5mA-Max.
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ConfigurationsStandardFolding Guardrails, Emergency Stop, Hour Meter, Flashing Beacon, Self-diagnosis, Extension Platform, Safety Arm, Charging Protection, Proportional Control, Platform Self-lock Door, Pothole Protector, Automatic Braking System, Motion Alarm, Emergency Descent, Full Height Drive, Tilt Sensor, Forklift Hole, HornOptionalLoad Sensing System, AC Power to the Platform, Air Pipe to the PlatformMODELHS1012EMax. Working Height(In/out)11.8m/11.8mA-Max.
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ConfigurationsStandardFolding Guardrails, Emergency Stop, Hour Meter, Flashing Beacon, Self-diagnosis, Extension Platform, Safety Arm, Charging Protection, Proportional Control, Platform Self-lock Door, Pothole Protector, Automatic Braking System, Motion Alarm, Emergency Descent, Full Height Drive, Tilt Sensor, Forklift Hole, HornOptionalLoad Sensing System, AC Power to the Platform, Air Pipe to the PlatformMODELHS0507EMax. Working Height(In/out)6.6m/0mA-Max.
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ConfigurationsStandardFolding Guardrails, Emergency Stop, Hour Meter, Flashing Beacon, Self-diagnosis, Extension Platform, Safety Arm, Charging Protection, Proportional Control, Platform Self-lock Door, Pothole Protector, Automatic Braking System, Motion Alarm, Emergency Descent, Full Height Drive, Tilt Sensor, Forklift Hole, HornOptionalLoad Sensing System, AC Power to the Platform, Air Pipe to the PlatformMODELHS1413EMax. Working Height(In/out)15.7m/10mA-Max.
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ConfigurationsStandardFolding Guardrails, Emergency Stop, Hour Meter, Flashing Beacon, Self-diagnosis, Extension Platform, Safety Arm, Charging Protection, Proportional Control, Platform Self-lock Door, Pothole Protector, Automatic Braking System, Motion Alarm, Emergency Descent, Full Height Drive, Tilt Sensor, Forklift Hole, HornOptionalLoad Sensing System, AC Power to the Platform, Air Pipe to the PlatformMODELHS0808EMax. Working Height(In/out)9.9m/8mA-Max.
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ConfigurationsStandardFolding Guardrails, Emergency Stop, Hour Meter, Flashing Beacon, Self-diagnosis, Extension Platform, Safety Arm, Charging Protection, Proportional Control, Platform Self-lock Door, Pothole Protector, Automatic Braking System, Motion Alarm, Emergency Descent, Full Height Drive, Tilt Sensor, Forklift Hole, HornOptionalLoad Sensing System, AC Power to the Platform, Air Pipe to the PlatformMODELHS0407EMax. Working Height(In/out)5.6m/0mA-Max.
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ConfigurationsStandardFolding Guardrails, Emergency Stop, Hour Meter, Flashing Beacon, Self-diagnosis, Extension Platform, Safety Arm, Charging Protection, Proportional Control, Platform Self-lock Door, Pothole Protector, Automatic Braking System, Motion Alarm, Emergency Descent, Full Height Drive, Tilt Sensor, Forklift Hole, HornOptionalLoad Sensing System, AC Power to the Platform, Air Pipe to the PlatformMODELHS0607EMax. Working Height(In/out)7.8m/7mA-Max.
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ConfigurationStandardAutomatic Braking, Extension Platform, Floding Guardrails, Charging Protection, Emergency Stop Tilt Sensor, Safety Arm, Self-diagnosis, Platform Self-lock Door, Flashing Beacons, Emergency Descent, Hour Meter, Motion Alarm, Horn OptionalWorking Lamp on the Platform, Load Sensing System, AC Power to the Platform, Air Pipe to the PlatformMODELHC0610EA-Max. Platform Height(In/out)5.8m/5.8mMax.
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FEATURES StandardHornAutomatic Leveling PlatformProportional ControlsFault Diagnosis SystemMotion AlarmOverload Sensing SystemFlashing BeaconsTilt Protection SystemSelf-lock GateOscillating axleEmergency Descent SystemColor DisplayEmergency Stop SystemReleased Type Engine TrayAnti-extrusion deviceOptionalAC Power to the PlatformAir Pipe to the PlatformMODELHT20JMax.Working Height21.8mMax. Platform Height19.8mMax.
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FEATURES Standard---------------HornAutomatic Leveling PlatformProportional ControlsFault Diagnosis SystemMotion AlarmOverload Sensing SystemFlashing BeaconsTilt Protection SystemSelf-lock GateOscillating axleEmergency Descent SystemColor DisplayAnti-extrusion deviceEmergency Stop SystemOptional-------------AC Power to the PlatformAir Pipe to the PlatformMODELHT26JEMax.Working Height27.9mMax. Platform Height25.9mMax.
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